About Me

My journey into the unseen world began before I really had a chance to understand it was not "the norm". From a very young age I was experiencing mystical events and a connection to the other side and even the deeper dimensions within me. I held an inherent unconditional love for those around me, and couldn't understand why it wasn't mirrored back to me.  

Throughout my childhood, I experienced consciousness bilocation, out-of-body experiences, clairaudience, and innumerable psychic experiences. I always felt these were things that everyone had access to, but could not find similar experiences among my peer group. 

At age 12, I experienced a consciousness bilocation event to several of my soul's memories of being on other worlds and helping them energetically. This awakened me to an understanding of my purpose here and what I am hoping to offer through my presence at this time of Planet Earth's evolution. I have always been deeply connected to the principles of Unconditional Love and how powerful of a transformational force it can be. This has become my passion to communicate and help awaken inside of us. 

Over time I developed the ability to perceive the various layers of your auric field and any energetic structures within them, whether it be debris or a relevant past-life memory/karma. When I connect to your energy field, various higher selves/guides will often desire to communicate about something specific related to your life-path, and I act as transmitter for this information/energy. 

It is my passion and my mission to help connect people to their higher self and to the frequency of unconditional love within, which will provide all answers you may seek, and make sense of anything you may be facing in the external reality. 

I look forward to connecting with you,

With a love so large it covers galaxies,
